Fun at Grandma's

After church this morning, Augie really wanted to go over to grandma's house and spend some time with cousin Mikey. So away we went. As usual, antics ensued. Now this picture may look like Mikey is holding a plastic golf putter and wearing a cowboy hat, but really he's wielding a flesh-cutting saber and heat-sensing helmet for fighting bears. That's right, we went bear hunting.

And you can't go bear hunting without some trusty flashlights. And off we went.

Or so I thought. We ended up in a dark closet with a bucket of old Hotwheels cars. As it turns out, dumping out that bucket of cars and playing with them in the dark was more interesting than hunting bears.

Augie was being pretty stubborn at grandma's house during lunch, and didn't end up eating very much. Thankfully when we came home for dinner, he ate his pizza right up. He ate so well, we let him have a piece of cake. I told him he should lick his plate. He obviously knows what "lick your plate" means.

Mom! Cleanup, aisle one!
